Gingerbread House Decorating Class at Deb's Place

Past event
Dec 8, 2013, 10 AM to 12 PM

This year we will be holding 2 decorating classes. First class at 10am, next class at 1pm.

The class is 30.00 per house. This includes all supplies to complete your house! You must be registered by Thursday December 5, to participate. Register at Deb's place 345 Brooklyn Street or call 888-6886 Deb cell 279-4211 Debsplaceinfo.comAll houses may be entered in the Morristown Festival of Lights Gingerbread House contest. Any and all Gingerbread projects are welcome. They can be dropped off at the Morristown Town Clerks office from now until December 9. Categories include: Adult, Age 12 and under, professional.

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