Tired from preparing your Thanksgiving feast? Give yourself a night off and join us for a free community meal at the Richmond Congregational Church.
On the post-turkey day menu is lasagna (meat, meatless, gluten free and tomato free) as well as salmon pie (salmon, potatoes and onions). There will also be peas and salad. Dessert will be lemon sunshine cake or brownies (not GF). We always have plenty so bring your friends. If we run short, we can always throw some spaghetti in the pot. The more the merrier.
The Friday Food Affair @5 is a weekly community meal open to all. Give yourself a night off from cooking, bring your friends, or make new ones. We always have a great time visiting. Always room for one more.
Donations are accepted, but not expected.
If you would like to cook or help serve some evenings, sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E084DABA728A64-dinner/3529717
It's easier than you think to cook for 40 - 60. Get 3 friends together and it is a snap! Need community service hours? No sweat. Just come and help set up, serve or clean up. You will get hooked! See you tomorrow.
Feb 11, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
Crochet & Knit NightFeb 12, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
Parenting Series from Hannah HouseFeb 12, 2025, 7 to 8 PM