Movie - a Place at the Table - Hunger in America

Past event
Dec 13, 2013, 5 to 7 PM

The Movie - A Place at the Table will be shown at the Richmond Congregational Church in the upstairs parlor at 5 and 7 pm.

50 Million Americans - 1 in 4 children - don't know where their next meal is coming from. A Place at the Table tells the powerful stories of three such Americans, who maintain their dignity even as they struggle just to eat. In a riveting journey that will change forever how you think about the hungry, A Place at the Table shows how the issue could be solved forever, once the American public decides - as they have in the past - that ending hunger is in the best interests of us all.

Also learn more about local organizations who are addressing hunger issues in the community.

Also at the RCC - the VYCC - High School Leadership Program MMU Crew will be preparing and serving dinner at the Friday Food Affair from 5 to 7 pm. So you have a choice of eating early and seeing the 7 o'clock show, or watch the 5 pm show and eat after. The MMU crew will prepare a scrumptious meal from local ingredients.

The Friday Food Affair @5 is a weekly free community meal. Open to all from the surrounding area. Donations are accepted, but not expected.

Movie on loan from Hunger Free VT. Sponsored by Our Community Cares Camp and the Farm at VYCC.

No charge, but donations will be cheerfully accepted.

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