Brookfield Sunday Flea Market - Goods Needing Homes

Past event
Aug 6, 2017, 9 AM to 12 PM

The flea market at 612 W. Main Street in W. Barnet is trying to move things this month from the filled garage to homes in need of this or that. Brookview R&R came into existence with the intention of providing a space for R&R, learning, and community life and resilience. The sale was an idea to help pay expenses, but also to provide for the community. Anyone who has donated has done so hoping that what they no longer need can be useful to someone else at low (or no) cost, while helping to support the community center's financial needs. It will be open this Sunday (and future ones) from 9-12. The garage is chock full of items with no prices. Someone will be there early on to continue organizing the many things that have come in recently so you can easily find what you need (i.e. a refined sorting of the many good pants (and other clothing) household items, kids stuff, furniture, office supplies, and more). Ariel provides fresh eggs each month (donation only also). If you need something, it's yours. No more donations are being accepted at this time as we may need to clear out before the winter. Please contact me with any questions.

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