Pop Up Shared Workspace - Autumn Edition

Past event
Sep 19, 2017, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Looking or a change of workplace scenery?
Need a room to spread out and focus?
Looking to make new work connections?

Join our emerging HinesburgHUB remote work group for the Autumnal Equinox Edition of Pop-Up Coworking at the Osborne Parish House - 10570 VT-116, Hinesburg.

Fast Wifi, fresh coffee, tea, snacks, quiet phone space, plenty of parking, convenient location - everything you need to #gettowork

Donations accepted to cover costs.

More info and to RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pop-up-community-coworking-autumnal-equinox-edition-registratio[...]373


"What the heck is coworking?", you ask. It's a style of work that involves a shared, purpose-built working environment typically accessed with a monthly or annual membership. Members are work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, frequent travelers (sometimes called "digital nomads"), and knowledge workers with flexible schedules who often work in isolation. Coworking often provides social and professional gatherings to share ideas and help each other achieve their business' vision.

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