Mullen Road Yard Sale to Continue Sunday

Past event
Aug 11, 2013, 11 AM

This sale is diverse and BIG!!

Well a lot sold on Saturday but there are still some great bargains to be had so we are extending to Sunday 8/11 from 11-4:00.

Antique and vintage tools, axes and splitting mauls. Military type ammunition cans and all kinds of neat things we picked from the old shed.

Plus size women's contemporary clothing for young and old sizes 18-26. Vintage gowns from the 60-70's and lots of great dresses and clothes from the 80's in sizes 8-12. Vintage jewelry, hats and purses from the 1920-today. Newer purses and shoes in sizes 9-11. A few men's clothing items too. All shoes and clothing is only $3.00 each with brands such a Roamans, Dress Barn, J. Jill, Nike Merrill and Santana.

Collectible teddy bears, a few pieces of china and horse items (sorry not tack). Plus other misc items...

For furniture we have a little child's rocker and a rare style of old trunk. A beautiful wood side chair and metal scroll back chair waiting for a seat few other chairs and small tables round things out.

See our other ads and photos for this sale through this link.

Just two miles of Route 15 watch for the signs from Route 15 and N. Underhill Station Road to 34 Mullen Road (GPS may get you lost) or call for information. 802-899-3928

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