August 9, 1:00-3:00: Yoga for Every Body: Jane Schaeffer from The Yoga Place will be instructing this class for people with disabilities, their caregivers and allies. The Yoga Place believes that yoga is an adventuresome method for exploring and expanding our inner view of ourselves and our perception of our interconnectedness in the world as well as a method for strengthening and bringing flexibility to our bodies, our minds and our spirits. Most importantly, we believe that life is good and that practice on the yoga mat offers us opportunities to open to new, more joyful ways of living our lives off the yoga mat.
Jane first encountered yoga as a college student and resumed her practice after the birth of her daughter, feeling a need to reclaim ownership of her body. "Yoga brings me home to myself. I tend to be a bit of a "talking head" type A personality. When I am connected to life through my body, I like myself and I like my life. It is a great privilege to teach and learn so deeply from the many students of the Yoga Place.”
YOGA is aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit to enhance health and wellbeing. The ultimate aim of YOGA is to achieve a state of balance and harmony between mind and body, moving away from anxiety and turmoil toward peace and stillness. If you practice YOGA, you will feel good.
Yoga is designed to bring us to a sense of union and wholeness. All physical yoga is called HATHA YOGA. Ha means Sun and THA means Moon in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. YOGA means to join together or to "yolk" together. Thus, Hatha Yoga or physical yoga, is a way of uniting the polarities that compose the duality of our existence. YOGA helps us to join together the various pieces of ourselves, to come home to ourselves, to remember who we really are. We awaken that connection to our self and to the larger self that leads to greater peace, contentment, wellbeing and fulfillment. When we begin to practice this on the Yoga mat, we find it happening more in our lives.
There are various styles of teaching YOGA, each one enhancing self-development and self-awareness. You will have to decide which YOGA is the best fit for you at this time in your life.
These are scent- and chemical-free events. To register, for more information or to request accommodations, contact:
Lynn Mazza, VCIL, 802-442-1876,