Rally for Tunbridge!

Past event
Jul 23, 2017, 3 to 5 PM

Sunday, July 23rd, 3-5pm
Wednesday, July 26th, 7-9pm
Listening sessions for Tunbridge residents,
coordinated by citizens and our school board.
Hosted by Mr. Farnsworth; moderated by Jena Young.

Rally for Tunbridge!
Tunbridge is known for coming together to support neighbors: building a barn, corralling a wandering flock, bringing in the hay on rare sunny days. Act 46 has presented us a project of a different sort, but the same can-do spirit will see us through. As a response to the recent vote on Act 46 we want to hear your ideas.

Together we can be part of a solution.
Share what you love about our school and our community.
Listen to you neighbors as they do the same.

Free childcare provided. Desserts served.

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