Gripping Drama at Chandler Sunday Evening

Past event
Jul 23, 2017, 7:30 to 10 PM

You won't want to miss the Vermont premiere of Deborah Salem Smith's prize-winning drama "Love Alone", at Chandler on Sunday at 7:30 PM.

When a woman loses her same-sex partner of 20 years during what should have been a routine surgery, her life and the life of their daughter, as well as the life of an attending physician, explode. Margo Whitcomb (Montpelier) directs a regional cast in this provocative play, which charts the emotional and medical aftermath of the tragedy as seen from all perspectives, resulting in a poignant and deeply affecting drama. Featured in the cast are Memory Apata (Lebanon), Libby Belitsos (East Montpelier), Kathryn Blume (Charlotte), Lonnie Poland (Milton), Baylen Slote (Calais), and Jeff Tolbert (Randolph).

Dr. Marcus Coxon leads the post-performance talkback, giving audience members a chance to ask questions of or make comments to the ensemble. The talkback will be followed by a complementary reception, with homemade treats.

"Love Alone" will also be presented on Friday July 28th. For tickets to either performance, call (802) 728-6464 or visit

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