We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights for All

Past event
Jul 26, 2017, 12 to 1 PM

"We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights For All" main street banner
at the Brattleboro Democracy Forum
at The River Garden, Strolling of the Heifers, 157 Main Street
12 pm to 1pm , Weds. July 26

Come and meet the banner at the forum. Woody Bernhard, the creator of the "We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights For All" main street banner, will talk about the why and the how of the banner.
The banner was hung over Main Street from April 23rd to 29th, and from June 25th to July 2nd. It was photographed with supporters in front of the Brattleboro, Marlboro and Putney post offices. Postcards were made from those photos with the hope that when the cards are sent they will inspire more people to stand up in public for democracy and civil rights. A group of about 40 people carried the banner in the 4th of July Parade. Five hundred post cards of the banner in front of the Brattleboro post office were handed out to parade watchers along the way, and marchers sang songs that said democracy is love.
Bernhard, a retired carpenter from Marlboro, Vermont, says that the real issue of our time is the failure of democracy, and that the only way to fix the many problems we face is for all of us to unite and call for true democracy and equal civil rights for all people.
Restorative justice is all about uniting. Newfane resident Dan Dewalt presented "Restorative Justice in the age of Trump" at the July19th Democracy Forum. Russ Grabiec of BCTV filmed Dan's presentation. BCTV will post the video on facebook and youtube. You can contact Dan at 802 348 7701
Come and see the banner and arrange to fly it in your town or arrange to make a postcard in front of your post office.
All people who attend this event agree to nonviolence in word and in deed.
Contact Woody at: 802 464 3154 woodyandsusan@gmail.com

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