Monday, July 31, 2017 6:00 PM
Understanding Vermont’s Universal Composting and Recycling Law
The NEK Chapter of the UVM Master Gardeners and Master Composters invites you to join them for a presentation on Vermont’s Universal Composting and Recycling Law (Act 148). Shannon Choquette, NEKWMD Outreach Coordinator will help us understand the law and what it asks of VT residents. You will learn how to answer questions like, "Do I have to compost my meat scraps?" and "Does the law require me to compost?" with confidence.
There will be an optional potluck at 6:00 PM followed by a brief chapter meeting (public invited to both). The program will begin at 6:45.This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Please feel free to join us for our pot luck at 6 p.m. and speaker directly afterwards!
There is no charge for this program although we do put out a donation jar for the East Burke Mt. Club for hosting this event. All are welcome regardless of donation.
The Burke Mountain Club is located at 368 Route 114 in East Burke.