Picturing Frederick Douglass at Rokeby Museum

Past event
Jul 23, 2017, 3 to 4 PM

Did you know that more than Abraham Lincoln, Walt Whitman, and George Custer, escaped slave and leading abolitionist Frederick Douglass was the most photographed American of the 19th century?
This Sunday, July 23 at 3:00 at the Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburg, we invite you to join noted historian, author, Harvard University Professor, and Douglass scholar John Stauffer as he presents some of the 160 known photographs from his new book, Picturing Frederick Douglass. Many of these photos have never been seen publicly and were long lost to history. Copies of Stauffer’s book will be available for sale and signing. $2 program only or free with Museum admission.
Come early to visit our 2017 exhibit Yours in the Cause: Faces of Radical Abolition, on view at Rokeby through October 29. This lecture is partially supported by a grant from the Vermont Humanities Council.

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