The intent of the work of HACJC is that community safety and quality of life is enhanced through the programs and services we offer in the towns of Hardwick, Greensboro, Walden, Woodbury, Stannard and Craftsbury. At our annual meeting we will discuss successes and challenges in fiscal year 2017 and look toward 2018 with ideas for better meeting the needs of the community. The mission of the HACJC is to provide a forum for peaceful conflict resolution. Through the use of the HACJC programs, citizens will be empowered to maintain community wellbeing by means of restorative justice principles and practices.
We will meet at Heartbeet Lifesharing Community Center, 218 Town Farm Rd., Hardwick. A light meal and beverages will be provided. All are encouraged to attend!
RSVP Helpful: or (802) 644.1960