Hinesburg Selectboard Meeting July 20

Past event
Jul 20, 2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Main Hall
Hinesburg Town Hall

1. Call to Order 7:00PM
2. Additions/Deletions/Changes to the Agenda 7:00PM
3. Public Hearing Regarding Draft Discharge Permit for Wastewater Plant 7:00PM
4. Consider Approving On-Call Engineering Agreement with East Engineering 9:00PM
5. Town Plan Revisions - Review Draft of SB Edits 9:05PM
6. Town Administrator Report 9:45PM
7. Selectboard Forum 9:50PM
8. Consider Approving Minutes from 07/06/17 9:55PM
9. Consider Approving Warrants 10:00PM
10. Adjourn 10:05PM

Questions or comments during the live broadcast? Email selectboard@hinesburg.org and those questions or comments may be read during the meeting. All times are approximate. For meeting materials, please visit:

Contact the Town Administrator if you have questions: rmarshall@hinesburg.org; or 482-2281, ext. 222.

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