Orchard Valley Art in Nature Camp July 24-28

Past event
Jul 24, 2017, 8:30 AM

Orchard Valley Art In Nature Camp July 24-28
There are still some openings in Orchard Valley Waldorf School's "Art In Nature” camp, July 24-28, for children ages 7-11.
During this week's session, we will be making marionettes with wet felted wool and dry needle felted details. We will be sewing clothes for the puppets & putting together a short story to be performed on the last day of camp.
In addition, we will have ample time to explore the land on this beautiful campus, and cook lunches together over a campfire and in a wood-fired oven.
Cost: $ 250
Contact Paule Bezaire 802-456-7400 to register or for more details. Register online at http://www.ovws.org/farm-and-forest-summer-camp/
Orchard Valley Waldorf School, 2290 VT Route 14N, East Montpelier

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