T'ai Chi Classes Beginning in Worcester

Past event
Dec 5, 2013, 6:30 PM to 6:30 PM, Jan 23, 2014

T’ai Chi Classes beginning in Dec. at Worcester Town Hall-

T'ai Chi Ch’uan is a sequence of precise body movements done slowly and without effort that balance the flow of energy within the body. At once a moving form of meditation, a dynamic system of exercise to improve health, and an introduction to the basics of self defense, T’ai Chi Chu’an has been practiced daily in China by millions for a millennia. It requires no special clothes or equipment, keeps you on your feet, takes only a few minutes each day, and can be learned at any age. Regular practitioners of T’ai Chi, are rewarded with energy and focus, and they age with vitality and grace. Instructor Alan Erdossy has 40 year’s experience teaching at businesses, and art, ballet, and exercise studios throughout the Northeast.

A 6 week Introduction to the first set of the Yang style of T’ai Chi Chu’an will run from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Worcester Town Hall on Thursday evening Dec. 5 & continue through Jan. 23rd, with a 2 week holiday hiatus. The class is $65, contact the instructor 802/223-5125 for details, or to register.

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