Howdy Hi There Friends and Neighbors!
Today a lot of stuff was sold here at 120 Phoenix Circle in a great Multi-Family Yard Sale but theres plenty more to go! 9am-3pm! Left over is
- HON office desk in excellent condition
- Ethan Allen round table w/ 4 chairs and extension leaf
- Kids desk
- Side tables
-Various household items
- Two snowboards (one Burton & one Solomon)
- Various outdoor gear
- Foosball table
- Set of used (older) golf clubs great for a beginner (complete set only missing 5 iron)
-Lamps, wine glasses, regular glasses, books, kitchen accessories
- Books, frames, framed painting
- LOTS AND LOTS of other things from a few single family homes looking to not throw good stuff out and recycle and reuse with our neighbors and community!
See you tomorrow! - Tim
Jan 25, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Shelburne Winter CarnivalJan 25, 2025, 1 to 3 PM
LGBTQ+ Hinesburg Area Potluck DinnerJan 25, 2025, 5 to 8 PM