Saturday, July 15...7:00 pm
Silent Movie...Aviation Dare Devil Features..”The Phantom Flyer” & “The Sky Rider”...This dare-devil aviation double feature from 1928 will be in the hall on Saturday, July 15 at 7:00 pm. In “The Phantom Flyer” the famous stunt pilot Al Wilson portrays a border patrol aviator who uses his flying skills to save girlfriend Mary (Lillian Gilmore) from cattle rustlers. In “The Sky Rider”, join Champion the Wonder Dog as he flies along with his master Dick to foil the plot of a disinherited nephew to get even with – well its complicated!! Come see for yourself as we recreate the silent film experience (biplanes included) that caused people to first fall in love with the movies. This is a Free Will Donation Event. Sponsored by, Steve & Pam Douglass