Dear Neighbors,
We are grateful to have received communications (via the town) from some of you with regards to our events permit application. Your concerns are our concerns and we heartily encourage inquiries and participation.
The Onion River Music Campout festival in June was a disturbance to many and for that we sincerely apologize. It was a mistake to have music so loud and so late, and distinctly unintentional. Indeed, we were the host-site to an (even more obnoxious) rave in the Fall of 2016, with thumping music that went until daybreak for 3 nights in a row, and we heard no complaints so we honestly had no idea that sound traveled from our property at all. Now, thanks to some of your letters, we see that loud late music is problematic. We consider this a valuable "live and learn" scenario that is now over. We have no interest in fighting for the right to create environments that will disturb the town. Indeed, the purpose of our music events are to improve the social, cultural and economic fabric of your town. (They certainly do not serve to make us money, just in case anybody harbored any confusion about that!)
In terms of music fests and community events, we aim to define collaboratively - at the hearing, as a community - good sizes, times and parameters - for us to host events for your benefit. We truly lament the disturbances caused to many of you last month, and we look forward to defining a curfew for amplified noise. You will find that we are nice folks with deeply collaborative development methods. We do look forward to meeting you at the hearing. Beyond that, we offer some more info below and invite you to please reach out to us directly!
* The specifications on our permit application (i.e. "up to 10 events with up to 600 people,") define maximums, not targets. Here are our more specific event goals: to host 6 weddings or anniversaries with 80-250 people at each, hold 1-2 public music events, hold our annual Wierdofest, continue to host the Twinfield Prom
* Wierdofest is not a druggie consortium, but rather a free daytime community feast slated for its third year and co-produced by Jaquelyn and a substance-free 12-year-old neighbor.
* We took Paradise Falls off our website as soon as a town-member expressed disdain at its publication, and we are glad to honor it as a sacred space for Marshfield residents. We doubt that any of the occasional dangers/messes that have been imposed by visitors to the Falls have been associated with our campground customers, but if ya'll ever encounter evidence to the contrary, we would be eager to permanently bar such people from our grounds.
* Renting school facilities is a public access service. There is a facilities rental form, which we would intend to fill out in any case when we may have an interest in using the Twinfield parking lot. We do not feel entitled to use the lot, and are under no impression that such specific access would be related to our being granted a general events permit. Furthermore, in any case when we would apply to use the lot and be granted access, we would of course always maintain a trash-free, substance-free, security-monitored environment.
Thanks for being a part of this fabulous town. We are honored to be of service to it, and in awe of the beauty and rural serenity that surrounds us all.
In solidarity,
Jaquelyn & Rauli Fernandez Rieke
Proprietors, Onion River Campground