Large multi-family Yard Sale Saturday 7/8/17, 9:00-4:00ish at 20 Chez Lane (off of Route 108S across from Stebbins Rd.): furniture, shelving, housewares, craft supplies, jewelry, collectibles, utensils, lamps, antique oak table (44"), clothing, books, games, luggage, dishes, pots & pans, kitchen cabinets, child's rocking chair, pet bed (med), floor tiles, 125 sq feet red oak flooring, rugs, 1970's turn table, clothes drying racks, 2 drawer locking filing cabinets, metal shelving, patio furniture, sports equipment, storage containers and much more. MOTIVATED SELLERS! Rain or shine (we have several canopy tents and carports). Pay us a visit! We might also have hours on Sunday--call ahead (802) 644.1960.