Late Fall Medicinal Plant Walk This Sunday!

Past event
Nov 24, 2013, 1 to 2:30 PM

Late Fall Medicinal Plant Walk This Sunday
When: Sunday November 24th from 1-2:30 PM
Where: Meet outside Wild Heart Wellness Office (123 Pitkin Road Plainfield, VT aka the Goddard College Campus, Flanders Building--click here for map and directions)
Description: What do our local medicinal plants look like in the late fall landscape? There is still much learning and exploring to do of our local flora. Focus will be on learning about plants that are widely distributed throughout our area and simple ways to incorporate their medicinal values into daily life. Participants will be encouraged to develop their own relationships and experiences with these plants as we use all of our senses to learn about our local flora. Responsible and respectful wild-crafting practices will also be discussed. Afterward, come enjoy a cup of tea! Please dress for the weather--plant walks will be held rain, snow or sunshine!
Registration: Just show up!
Cost:Sliding Scale $4-$10

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