Outdoor Gear Sale - 307 North Bear Swamp Road, Middlesex

Past event
Jul 3, 2017

Monday, 9a-12 noon(no early birds please). 307 North Bear Swamp Road

I will be selling an assortment of outdoor gear, both new and lightly used. Some of the items are as follows:

*Camping tents from MSR and Mountainsmith.
*Sleeping bags/pads.
*Hiking boots. Vasque Breeze Gore Tex with several sizes available for women and men.
*Assorted hiking shoes, flip flops, insulated hikers, and running shoe samples. Women's size 7 & men's size 9.
*Camera bags from Mountainsmith in different sizes.
*Assorted sizes of backpacks.
*Miscellaneous items for camping.

All prices are below wholesale and firm.

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