Silent Auction

Past event
Jul 1, 2017

Your donations and purchases help support VerShare and all of its many projects and programs.

Come and Stay the day in "downtown" Vershire for our Town's celebration and put in your bids early starting at noon. You can also stop by the Historical Society and their bakesale. Then head across the road at the Church Orr House you can watch the parade and buy strawberry shortcakes. Slip inside and take a peak at whats new in the Made In Vershire Shop or Libray and then back across the road for the Fireman's chicken dinner. Buy a raffle ticket or two for two beautiful quilts one at the shop to help repair the building and one for the Scholorship endowment at the Town center. Stop in before 7 to make sure your the top bidder for the items you want. Music and entertainment until dark when we have our fireworks.

Lots of fun all around

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