Poetry/Prose Reading Nov. 22

Past event
Nov 22, 2013, 4:30 to 5:30 PM

Poetry/Prose Reading: Friday at 4:30, Marlboro College (Apple Tree)

Whole Terrain: Reflective Environmental Practice, the publication for environmental professionals put out by Antioch University New England, celebrated their 20th anniversary this year with an issue devoted to environmental "heresy." Hear readings from four contributors to the volume, including Marlboro writing professor Kyhl Lyndgaard's "Dumping Compost: A Literary Look at Human Waste." Robin MacArthur and Avah Gibbons, Marlboro neighbors and retired professor John MacArthur's grand-daughter and great-grand-daughter, will read from "The Avah Poems," and Whole Terrain editor Michael Metivier will read from his work.

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