City Council Meeting

Past event
Jun 19, 2017, 6 PM

Monday, June 19, 2017
6:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
a. Approval: City Council Minutes of June 5, 2017
b. Approval: Payroll Warrant as of 5/21-6/03/2017, Accounts Payable Warrant as of 06/15/2017
c. Approval: IT Policy
VI. City Update
VII. Council Reports
VIII. Regular Items
a. Approval: World Refugee Day Resolution – S Leonard
b. Approval: Commission Appointments – J Baker
c. Approval: By-Way Resolution – J Baker
d. Approval: Allocation of Community Funding – J Baker
e. Discussion: Zoning Ordinance Change – J Baker
f. Discussion: Fee Ordinance – R Coffey
g. Approval: Use of Rental Registry Reserves for Intern Staffing – J Audy
h. Approval: Housing Commission Charter – H Carrington
i. Approval: Sales Tax Reallocation Application – H Carrington
j. Approval: Job Description: Communications Coordinator– H Carrington
k. Approval: FY2018 Budget - Community Justice Center – R Hebert
l. Approval: Fraternal Order of Police Contract – R Coffey
m. Approval: Dept Of Public Works Reserve Assignments (Asset Management, Senior Center) J Baker
n. Approval: FY16 Fund Balance Allocation - J Baker
o. Discussion: Update on Regional Dispatch Planning – J Baker
p. Discussion: Vehicle Use Policy – J Baker
IX. Executive Session
a. Pending mediation, an open discussion of which may place the City at a substantial disadvantage (1 V.S.A.§313(a) (1))
X. Adjourn

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