On Monday, June 19th at 7 pm at the Brookfield Old Town Hall, we'll be showing the documentary film "All of Me," a Kingdom County Productions film directed by Bess O'Brien, who deftly guides us through the many complex elements one navigates when suffering from an eating disorder. Like gently peeling the layers of an onion, All of Me takes us on a cinematic journey into the world of eating disorders through the intimate and compelling stories of some remarkable individuals and their loving families. Their voices touch you and resonate. "All of Me" is heartbreaking yet hopeful as it depicts the power of recovery through expert treatment and the unyielding support of loved ones. This event is sponsored by Northfield Pharmacy and is free and open to the public, donations will gladly be accepted. http://kingdomcounty.org/eating-disorder-documentary/
Join us for the screening and discussion afterwards. Leading the post film discussion are Deb Lary (Health Teacher) and Colin Andrzejczyk (Student Assistance Program Counselor) of Randolph Union High School. They will be available to give an overview of the education and outreach that RUHS provides as well as be available to answer questions.
This program is in part sponsored by Kingdom County Productions and Randolph Union High School.
Jan 11, 2025, 1 to 4 PM
Northern Bronze Handbell Ensemble ConcertJan 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Malbec MondaysJan 13, 2025, 12 to 5:30 PM