Fathers Day Breakfast - Benefit the Josh Pallotta Fund

Past event
Jun 18, 2017, 8 to 10:30 PM

Mark your calendar....The date is coming up when you can make Dad extra special. The St. Thomas Knights of Columbus will hold their Annual Father's Day Breakfast on Sunday , June 18th fro 8:00 am to 10:30am in the Parish Hall, located at 6 Green Street in Underhill Center. The buffet style breakfast is an all you can eat, which includes juice, fruit, eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, home fries, and coffee and tea. The cost is by donation. Proceeds will be going to the Josh Pallotta Fund. Josh son of Greg and Valerie Pallotta of Colchester and grandson Jeanette French of Cambridge and Leonard and Jeanne Pallotta of Underhill. Josh served in Afghanistan with the National Guard in 2010. While he was there he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal with Valor for his actions while his unit was under fire. On 9/23/14, Josh lost his battle with post traumatic stress. The Josh Pallotta Fund was established in his honor and memory. The fund is a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans and service members. The ultimate goal is to establish Josh's House, VT., a wellness recreation center for veteran's. Visit www.joshpallottafund.org today. We encourage you to bring the whole family. Treat Dad like the special person he is and enjoy this delicious breakfast. It is a great time to see friends and neighbors in the community as well. Call Terri the Parish office with any questions during the week at 899-4632.

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