Weaver St and Central Winooski Area Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Past event
Nov 18, 2013, 6:30 to 8 PM

NHW meeting at St. Francis Xavier school on St. Peter St. at 6:30 PM on this coming Monday, Nov. 18th.

Hello friends and neighbors,

Even if you're not part of any group yet, you can attend our meetings, and we can set you up to join a group, or we can help you start your own group on your block.

Our last meeting was a success, and we got much done. If you have concerns about recent events, we will discuss them and formulate ideas collectively to find a solution.

There is safety in numbers. Information is power.

Looking forward to see as many of our regulars also. Please, pass the word to those you know who do not have internet the time and place of our meeting.


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