Mini Retreats for Women in Montpelier

Past event
Jun 25, 2017, 10 AM to 1 PM

with Cabot local Sarah Spletzer Welters, owner & explorer of movementum
First date: Sunday, 25th of June, 10am – 1pm
Fee: $45 – $70
The Everything Space, 64 Main St, 3rd Floor, Montpelier, Vermont

Please bring a snack and wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.

About the retreats
The Mini Retreats are a fine blend of activities that are drawn from various disciplines and art forms: Authentic Movement, Dance, Body Mind Centering, Visual Art – creating with our hands, Storytelling, Writing, Mindfulness, Meditation and Visualization techniques and multiple forms of sharing – you know, the kind of things that make life worth while living.
A different theme will be the base of each Mini Retreat every single month.
The monthly mini retreats are intended for all people that identify as women.
It is Sarah’s vision to inspire a circle for women and together create a safe, beautiful, inspired & fun space for one and another.
Come and explore your own creativity, sense-uality and movement!

When was the last time you treated yourSelf?
I am not talking about that chocolate bar you bought on your way home last night!
I am talking about a deep staring-at-the-fire-for-hours kind of relaxation.
I am talking about dancing all the dances your body wants to dance.
I am talking about simple mindfullness techniques, that enrich your life.
I am talking about getting into a flow with your own creativity.
I am talking about sharing your truth with other women whole-heartedly.
I am talking nourishing inspiration, bountyfull laughter and deep soul search.

About Sarah Spletzer Welters
Sarah loves to support and challenge people in (re)connecting with their own body and intuition and making deeper contact with other human beings.
dance create share is the motto of Sarah’s enterprise movementum.
As an artist, dance therapist and creativity guide Sarah offers classes, sessions and workshops and works one-on-one with people.
Sarah studied Fine Arts and Dance Therapy in the Netherlands and holds a Dutch degree as an “artist in the classroom”.
She has a wide background in the field of dance and Bodywork and has taken numerous workshops and trainings internationally. Her work is influenced by the teachings of Body Mind Centering and various meditation and visualization techniques.

“With movementum I want to offer people a space where they can unfold themselves and discover new ways to move – and dance – through life openly and inspired. I am looking forward to meet YOU.”

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