KNOW YOUR BROOK - A workshop about stream dynamics, the Great Brook, and how it interacts with its banks and our roads. Led by River Scientist Gretchen Alexander and environmental planner Pam DeAndrea, this is an opportunity to learn about natural river behavior and the force of water in our powerful rivers and streams. Learn why and how a river is often not well-planned for, and later comes into conflict with roads, bridges & homes.
There will be demonstrations and an illustrated talk at the Plainfield Opera House beginning at 1 p.m. followed by a walking tour of a key area of the Great Brook in Plainfield around 2:30. Both Alexander and DeAndrea are very experienced with the Great Brook and its difficult (and sometimes dangerous) relationship with our steep local terrain.
Sponsored by the Plainfield Hazard Mitigation Committee and assisted by the VT Agency of Natural Resources and Central VT Regional Planning Commission, there is no charge for this event.