Supporting Twinfield Together Mentoring
Help us reach our $2,000 fundraising goal. As a grant funded program, we need to raise matching funds. These raised dollars let our funders know that they are helping to fund a program that is valued in our local community! This Year Twinfield Together is Joining Other Vermont Non-Profits for Vermont’s Day of Giving June 7th-8th. Every small gift helps us reach our goal, and we have some thank you gifts to show our appreciation.
Click here to see what great gifts you get for donating:
You can also make a donation to Twinfield Together at these local businesses on the Vermont Day of Giving!
Marshfield Village Store, Plainfield Coop, Maple Valley Café, North Country Credit Union, Plainfield Hardware, Northstar Fireworks and Dudley’s Store (Thanks so much for your support)
Vermont Gives is a 24-hour online fundraising event designed to build community, raise awareness about Vermont’s nonprofit sector, and inspire giving throughout the state. Twinfield Together will be participating and would love help spreading the word.
Twin Valley Senior Center is another important non-profit from our community also participating in Vermont Gives. You can view their page here: