2017 Walk for Animals - CVHS Saturday

Past event
Jun 3, 2017, 9 AM to 12 PM

Walk for Animals 2017 - Central Vermont Humane Society

Please help save animal lives!
Join in the fun of our biggest fundraising event of the year. It’s a family-friendly, dog-friendly event with contests, prizes, and an easy 2 mile walk through beautiful downtown Montpelier. Friendly dogs on leashes are welcomed but you don’t need to bring a dog to participate.

All funds raised will help provide food, shelter, exceptional care, and find loving adoptive homes for over 1,000 animals in the coming year. This year our goal is $70,000 and we simply cannot do it without you! Your contributions and efforts will directly save animal lives!

Event Details
Enjoy a gentle 2-mile walk through beautiful downtown Montpelier, and fun activities for dogs and the whole family both before and after the walk. Free Refreshments will be available! Bring your dog, your friends, and your family.

Event Schedule:
9:00 – Registration Begins
9:30 – NEW – Dog Costume Contest
10:00 – Walk Begins
11:00 – NEW – Dog Demos, Dog Contests, Fun activities for dogs and kids
Culminating with the Award Presentations!

The above can also be found at: https://centralvermonthumane.org/2017/03/walk-for-animals/

If you would like to sponsor me on the walk, you can do this at: https://www.classy.org/fundraise?fcid=1002580

Thanks neighbors!!!

Keith "Digger" Puffer

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