Zoning Change Hearing June 5

Past event
Jun 5, 2017, 7 to 8 PM

A public hearing is scheduled for Monday June 5, 2017 at 7:00PM at the Morristown Municipal Offices in the Community Meeting Room at 43 Portland Street in Morrisville.
Proposed amendments to the Bylaw are as follows:
a. §205 Central Business: add brewery use, delete car repair/sales & gas station uses, add shelter use
b. §205 Commercial: add brewery & shelter uses, delete gas station use, change conditional uses
c. §215 Business Enterprise: add brewery use, add shelter use, add firewood processing use, change 1&2 family residential uses from permitted to conditional
d. §225 Mixed Office Residential: add shelter use, reduce minimum lot size
e. §230 Industrial: add brewery use, delete restaurant & bar uses, make conditional uses permitted
f. §235 Hospital - add shelter use, move single family use from permitted to conditional
g. §240 Special Industrial - add brewery use, add shelter use, add firewood processing use
h. §245 High Density Residential: add shelter use
i. §250 Medium Density Res: add shelter use and eliminate multi-family residential use
j. §255 Low Density Res: eliminate special setback along Rte. 100
k. §260 Rural Residential Agricultural: eliminate two-family use and add firewood processing use
l. §270 Airport Business: add brewery use, add business services use, add firewood processing use
m. §280 Innovation Zone: delete zone, being merged with Industrial Zone
n. §300 Special Protection Areas: delete source protection area for Cadys Falls
o. §320 Flood Hazard Areas: allow administrative permits, allow fill and development in flood fringe, require 2 feet of freeboard, require elevation certs and other various flood zone protections
p. §401.6 Expand medical marijuana dispensary prohibition to include recreational marijuana
q. §410-§415: Clarify Home Occupation vs. Home Business requirements
r. §411 Communications Facilities: Delete local control of communication facilities in Bylaw because such control does not exist and has not existed for many years (Public Service Board permit)
s. §424 Density Bonus for Tiny Dwelling Units: allow a density bonus of one tiny house per parcel
t. §450 Parking requirements: strike and replace parking requirements & ratios to modernize bylaw
u. §479 Signs: clarify local requirements for campaign signs
v. §500 Site Plan Approval: make minor improvements to site plan requirements including dumpster screening and enhanced landscaping requirements
w. §510 PUD: add Act 250 driven changes for prime ag protection to the conservation subdivision bylaw
x. §630 Conditional Use: change conditional use requirements, density bonus for property manager
y. §700: Make various changes to subdivision approval process, including changing the size of a major subdivision to more than one new lot, allow admin. approval of minor subdivisions, surety changes
z. Definitions: add or revise definitions for Shelter, Family, Occupancy, Bedroom, and Family
aa. §1000-§1140 Various zone boundary changes: including the south side of Upper Main Street (MOR to CB Zone), south of the Potash Brook from HRD to MDR Zone, Fairwood Parkway neighborhood from MDR Zone to LDR Zone & various housekeeping items to correct boundary descriptions

Please feel free to contact me at 888-6373 regarding any questions on the above zoning changes. Thank you!

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