Next Thursday, June 1st, at 6:00 p.m., a forum will be conducted at the West Windsor Town Hall. The topic will be a report of Act 46-related explorations that have taken place since our last WSESU Act 46 Study Committee meeting in April. These include merging Albert Bridge School with Reading Elementary School, as well as some other ideas.
At the conclusion of the forum, we will conduct a quick and dirty straw poll of participants to get an idea of which option is the best-received. If you would like to hear what options have been vetted in the last few weeks, and give input on what you think the outcome should be, please come along and pitch in. The presentation will not be the bulk of the discussion; rather, the goal is a robust discussion.
If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please feel free to contact me, Elizabeth Burrows, at 484-3174, or e-mail me at