Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Past event
May 30, 7 PM to 8 PM, Jun 1, 2017

Tue., May 30...Shavuot...OZ...7:00 PM

Tikkun Leil Shavuot: A Time for Study and Celebration of Shavuot
May 30 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Tikkun Leil Shavuot (9:15 pm, Ma'ariv Service)
Tikkun Leil Shavuot is a relaxed night of learning for Shavuot, led by Rabbi Amy and members of Ohavi Zedek Synagogue. Exciting workshops are being planned! Are you available to lead a learning in a topic that connects in a creative way to Torah? Are you interested in exploring Torah in creative ways and want to suggest a workshop? Last year's workshops included yoga, animal care, art appreciation, mindfulness, singing, Israeli dance, history, theater, text study, Judaism and medicine, and spiritual autobiography. Cheesecake, coffee and nosh will be offered! Contact Judy Chalmer judy@vsavt.org to be part of the evening. Everyone is welcome!

Tuesday evening, May 30
Tikkun Leil Shavuot*
7 pm Mincha service with song and chant to open the evening
7:30 pm First Workshop Session
8:30 pm Cheesecake, Shmoozing
9:00 pm Ma'ariv service
9:30 pm Second Workshop Session

Shavuot Morning Service
First Day Shavuot
9:00 am Wednesday May 31
Second Day Shavuot
9:00 am Thursday June 1
(Second day service includes Yizkor)

Additional Evening Yizkor Service:
7:00 pm Thursday June 1
(with Mincha service)
Note: The Thursday evening minyan will be twice the normal weekday length of time with the addition of Yizkor.

*Schedule and listing of workshops will be distributed soon, as plans
are still in process.

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