A reminder that there is still space in this Sunday's Beecher Hill Yoga practice. It is on November 17 from 9:30-11:30. This simple, heart-centered class is our annual benefit class for UNICEF. It's a great class for beginners. Bring friends and family, so we can make a nice, big donation to UNICEF. The cost is $20 with pre-registration. You can register by e-mail or phone (802-482-3191).I hope you can make it.
Here is the description...
With this simple Yoga practice we share our abundance and express gratitude. A heart-centered practice that is particularly appropriate for beginners. So bring friends and loved ones, even if they have never practiced Yoga before, for a pre-Thanksgiving celebration. This practice is appropriate for all levels including beginners.
You can also go to our website at http://www.beecherhillyoga.com/ to learn more about Beecher Hill Health
Feb 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
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