The Town of Colchester would like to invite residents to a public meeting on Wednesday, May 31 at 6:30pm at the Colchester Town Offices, Outer Bay Conference Room (3rd floor) to continue discussing the Master Plans for Bayside Park, the Bayside/Hazelett Property, and a Community Center.
From the very beginning of this project – in October 2016 – we vowed to hold community-input in the highest regard, and we are hoping to again touch base with Colchester residents to discuss how far the project has come, and what our next steps should be. Please take a moment on the 31st to stop in, learn more about the scope of the project, and collaborate with us.
The Town of Colchester has begun working with Design Concepts, an open space consulting firm, to develop these community-based Master Plans. The results of the plans will be used to guide our future growth, and will include potential recreational facilities and activities, which will be a critical component in the development of facilities, programs, and service over the next several years.
A formal invite went out to our e-newsletter subscribers with more details, which you can read here: Please consider joining our e-newsletter to stay updated on everything Parks & Recreation in Colchester: click “Update Email Preferences” at that link, or visit to sign up for our e-newsletter.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Parks & Recreation Department directly at 802-264-5640 to share your thoughts on these very important plans for our community’s future!
Jan 30, 2025, 11:25 AM to 12:25 PM
Somatic Strength Online ClassJan 31, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Soul Shop for the CommunityJan 31, 6:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Feb 1, 2025