Grand Opening of Luke Iannuzzi Pottery Saturday

Past event
May 20, 2017, 11 AM to 5 PM

Come by Saturday to check out the newly renovated and rebranded studio & gallery. The studio has a full line of table ware in a variety of glazes that are ready to add some life to your dining and drinking experience. Additionally, the Raku pots make great statement pieces for the decerning collector.
Luke Iannnuzzi Pottery is formerly "The Naked Potter" at the Wilder Farm Inn serving the MRV since 2009, stop by any day during typical business hours.

Saturday May 20 11am-5pm
Light refreshments will be served.
Enjoy a 20% discount on all sales over $100 (Saturday Ony, cash preferred)
5711 E. Warren Rd (next to the little cemetery)

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