Draft agenda
May 22, 2017, 7:30 P.M.
Town Office
Call to order
Review minutes from 3-20-17
Review agenda
Old business
Amphibian crossing signs
Ideas to prevent hit-and-runs
Repair damaged ones
Repost for turtle season?
If we continue using the signs, I need someone else to be responsible for:
--placing signs
--checking on signs every few days
--removing, repairing and replacing signs when damaged
--taking down and storing at the end of the season
Green Up
Have CC take over Green Up?
Ideas to increase turn out
Clean up at Hortonia Light and Power dam
ANR invasives control
We did this last spring, Heather Ewing, invasive crew chief with FPR can repeat
I have her contact info. if someone would like to take this on
New Business
Toilet idea for Tinmouth Mountain Cabin
Please see the link before meeting if you get a chance: http://humanurehandbook.com/
Duck boxes in The Channel
Do we want to take on the clean-out and maintenance of them?
Visits to other CC’s by our members
Some of us visited the Wallingford CC and I found it interesting and helpful
Other business
Set next meeting date
Jan 11, 2025, 2 to 3 PM
SVUUSD Negotiations Committee MeetingJan 15, 2025, 6 to 6:30 PM
SVUUSD Teacher Negotiations CommitteeJan 15, 2025, 6:30 to 7:30 PM