Barn Sale in Woodstock Saturday

Past event
May 20, 2017, 8:30 AM to 3 PM

4-FAMILY, 3-GENERATION YARD SALE. Saturday, May 20 – RAIN or SHINE. 8:30–3:00.

We will have a large barn full of stuff: building supplies, jewelry, furniture (beautiful kitchen table, 3-door modern corner cabinet, corner TV-stand), books, DVDs, household, antiques, healthy houseplants, baby items, brand new kids’ water table, lots of kids’ clothes (mostly boys newborn-2), car seat travel bag, wool roving for crafts, adult clothing, motocross boots (size 11), new wooden screen door, Xbox 360 with games included, wedding supplies (tea lights/candle holders/large ornate cake stand/table number holders/ burlap), lots of different bags, purses, & shoes, and lots and lots of other good quality items at reasonable prices. 1 mile up Austin Hill Road (off Route 12 north), Woodstock.

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