Theme - America Honors Its Heroes
The Readsboro Independence Day Committee would personally like to invite the family and friends of Readsboro to be part of this year’s parade by participating in the Parade Float Competition on Saturday, June 24, 2017.
We will be awarding three cash prizes - $100, $75 and $50. Floats will be judged on creativity and hand made qualities. All floats should be neatly assembled & decorated. Candy can be thrown carefully from each float. Children (walking or riding) must be accompanied by an adult.
Please call Cindy at 802-423-5251 if you are interested in entering a float into the Independence Day Parade.
We will be setting up a SILENT AUCTION table at the Lions Park. Some of the items we would like to display will be gift certificates, gift baskets, paintings, crafted items, jewelry, handmade items, decorative pieces, new gifts, electronic products, bird feeders, pet items and items for the kids.
Please stop at the pavilion and place a bid on one or more of the items.
If you have an item you would like to donate to the silent auction table just give us a call & we will pick it up.
Generous donations by people such as you, are what helps us in our endeavor.
And don't forget the 50/50 Cash Raffle. We have 150 books of tickets to sell. $1 each or 6 for $5.
They can be purchased at the Readsboro Town Office, the Readsboro Library or from Cyndi 802-423-5251 & Earlene 802-423-7080. By mail - please send your donation to the Fourth of July Committee, 27 Grinka Farm Drive, Readsboro, VT 05350. We will write your name & phone number on all the tickets you wish to purchase.
The winner will receive 50% of the amount received for all the tickets sold & 50% will benefit the 2017 - 4th of July Celebration. The winning name will be drawn at the 4th of July Celebration on June 24, 2017 at 9pm.�LIONS CLUB’s FAMOUS CHICKEN BBQ
Tickets $12
The Committee would like to remind everyone that the Lions Club will be doing their Famous Chicken BBQ Dinner at the Lions Park.
Tickets can be purchased at the Readsboro Store, Readsboro Library, Readsboro Town Office or by calling Earlene (423-7080) Cyndi (423-5251).
You can pick up your chicken dinner between 1:00-2:00 p.m. at the Lions Park.
Please join us, after the parade, at the Lions park for events for the kids, the horseshoe tournament, the line dancing performance, and other events going on. And, as the day ends, Atlas will be doing the fireworks again this year at the Readsboro Ballfield at 9 p.m. Their display is always fantastic!
Thank you in advance for your willingness to support the Independence Day Committee and for making a difference in our community. The success & future of our event relies largely on your support & that of volunteers who give generously of their time to fundraise. All the money raised through fundraising is used to fund our Fourth of July event.