Plainfield Select Board Meeting Agenda

Past event
Nov 12, 2013, 7 to 9 PM

Proposed Agenda
Town of Plainfield Select Board Meeting
November 12, 2013 [Note: meeting changed to Tuesday due to Monday holiday]

7:00 pm Call to order
Approve agenda
Public comment and announcements

7:15 Town Clerk/Treasurer’s report

7:25 Road Commissioner/Road Foreman report

7:35 Award sidewalk snow removal contract

7:40 Approve revised Road and Bridge Standards

7:45 Discussion of the need for a fence on west side of Municipal Building

7:50 VTel application for a telecommunications tower on Upper Road

7:55 Status of CDBG-DR grant application for study of Great Brook bridges

8:00 Draft Town Plan revisions

8:10 Update on abandoned trailer on Bean Road

8:20 Draft Regulation of Solid Waste Disposal ordinance

8:30 Town Hall update

8:40 PA System

8:45 Approve minutes of 10/28 meeting

8:50 Agenda for 11/25 meeting

9:00 Adjourn

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