Special City Meeting June 20

Past event
Jun 20, 2017

The voters of the City of Montpelier are hereby notified and warned to meet at the City Hall Auditorium, in said Montpelier, on June 20, 2017, to vote by Australian ballot between the hours of 7:00 a.m., at which time the polls will open, and 7:00 p.m. To view the warning in its entirety, go to the City Clerk's page at http://www.montpelier-vt.org/162/City-Clerk.


School District Merger: The first two ballot articles concern the proposed school district merger with Roxbury. Article 1 is the vote to approve, while Article 2 will list candidates for offices on the new, combined school board (should Article 1 pass). While it is expected that the current Montpelier school board members will run for these offices, that does not preclude others from running as well.

If you are interested in running, you will need to turn in a candidate consent form and a petition signed by at least 30, verifiable Montpelier registered voters (please note, this is more than the usual 25 signatures needed for city office). Examples of the forms can be found at http://www.montpelier-vt.org/262/Candidate-Information and the forms must be turned in to the Clerk's office NO LATER THAN MAY 21 (Note: May 21 is a Sunday, so if you wait until the last minute, you will need to use the drop box next to the rear door to city hall - the Clerk will check the box early on the morning of Monday the 22nd for last minute petitions).

IMPORTANT: There are technically THREE offices on the ballot. Your petition and consent form will have to specify which one you are running for. They are:

* SCHOOL DIRECTOR (to serve through the date of the annual meeting in March 2019).
• SCHOOL DIRECTOR (to serve through the date of the annual meeting in March 2020).
• SCHOOL DIRECTOR (to serve through the date of the annual meeting in March 2021).

Tax Stabilization Authority: Article 3 would grant the City Council limited expanded authority to offer tax incentives to businesses interested in locating within the city.

Hubbard Park Leash Question: This advisory question asks if citizens would support an ordinance requiring dogs in Hubbard Park to be leashed.

Early voting will begin as soon as ballots are available (likely Monday May 29). As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us in the Clerk's office at 223-9500, or email me at jodum@montpelier-vt.org

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