The Cobleigh Public Library is hosting a public screening of the film “The Healthcare Movie” followed by a discussion led by Dr. Betty Keller, MD, on Improved Medicare For All, a.k.a., Single-payer Healthcare. This documentary was produced by the Canadian/American couple Laurie Simons and Terry Sterrenberg. From their website: “The Healthcare Movie reveals the personal and emotional impact on Canadians who now have access to universal health care because of the heroism of people who took a stand nearly 50 years ago. It also reveals the continuing struggle in the United States between the fear of government intervention and the right to quality health care for all people.” Anyone who has already seen the movie and wants to participate in the discussion is welcome to join us if they arrive before 8:00 p.m.
Dr. Keller of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, is an active member of Physicians for a National Health Program, communicating with legislators, giving testimony at hearings, speaking at forums, assisting in grassroot organizing, and producing media to educate the public about health care reform; as well as networking and strategizing with other health care activists to help us move forward at both the state and national levels. She looks forward to talking with others about how they can have an impact to make health care affordable and equitable in an accountable and sustainable system here in the United States.
Please join us at the Cobleigh Public Library to gain an understanding of how two countries diverged so dramatically in our thinking regarding government’s role in “promoting the general welfare of the people” when it comes to healthcare. This program is free and accessible.