Plainfield Select Board Meeting

Past event
Aug 12, 2013, 7 PM

Proposed Agenda
Town of Plainfield Select Board Meeting
August 12, 2013

7:00 pm* Call to order
Approve agenda
Public comment and announcements
7:15 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
7:20 Road Foreman/Road Commissioner report
7:30 Resolution and letter on Klein/Ziegler property
7:35 Report on Town/Co-op Boundary Adjustment
7:40 Park and Ride paving bids
7:45 Report and discussion on draft of Plainfield Town Plan
7:55 CVSWMD’s Round 2 grant application
8:00 Town Hall drainage work update
8:10 Historic Preservation grant application for the Town’s old fire station
8:15 Discussion of new storm drains at Creamery &Mill intersection and on Harvey Hill
8:20 Recommendation that the CVRPC assume the duties of the Economic Development Corporation
8:25 Special Pedestrian bridge/south sidewalk study meeting
8:30 Town Hall heating system update
8:40 Other business
8:50 Approval of minutes of 7/22/13 regular meeting and 8/7/13 special meeting
9:00 pm Adjourn

The meeting will be held at the Plainfield Municipal Building, 147 Main Street (use side entrance).

*Times are approximate.

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