Age Out Loud

Past event
Jun 9, 2017, 7:30 to 10 PM

Central VT Council on Aging is hosting an evening of comedic storytelling at the Barre Opera House. The date is Friday, June 9th at 7:30pm. Doors will open early at 6:30pm as there is also a silent auction and an Art of Creative Aging exhibit with accompanying classical music. The storytellers are Sue Schmidt and Kevin Gallagher. Sue and Kevin are award winning Moth style storytellers who started their own company—Say It Forward Productions-to help non-profits raise money. Comedic stories are true, hilarious stories from the storyteller’s personal experiences. Stories are typically 7-10 minutes each and for our show will weave together themes about families and the common experience of aging that everyone can relate to at any age. You can purchase tickets or bid on our auction items through our Facebook page,, or on our webpage,

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