Please Help! “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive May 13

Past event
May 13, 2017

The annual food drive by our Postal Service workers is taking place this Saturday, May 13th. The Shelburne PO will be collecting in both Shelburne and Charlotte to benefit the Food Shelves in both towns. Our postal workers help make the process easy – you can leave the donation at your mailbox by 9AM Saturday morning and they will pick up when the mail is delivered.

As some may know, both Shelburne and Charlotte have limited shelf capacity for our shoppers, thus we are limited in the range of items we are able to offer. Our goal for this drive is to focus on particular items that are commonly sought after by our shoppers:

- 100% juice packs
- Apple sauce packs
- Peaches packs
- Granola-type bars
- Cheese and crackers packets
- Peanut butter and crackers packets
- Canned tuna and chicken
- Pasta sauces
- Spaghetti and elbows (other types of pastas are less-sought-after)
- Rice products (in 1-2 lb. quantities)
- Grape and strawberry jellies
- Hash
- Ketchup, mayo and yellow mustard
- Salad dressings (ranch is a favorite)

We much appreciate your attention to expiration dates!

For more information, please feel free to check out information at:

Your Shelburne and Charlotte Food Shelf volunteers thank you for your continued support!

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