A&U Vintage Fashion Show - Time to Dress!

Past event
May 15, 2017, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Antiques and Uniques Festival will be having it's very first Vintage Fashion Show at 2:30 pm on Saturday July 8th. The fashion show will take place within the festival gates and will be fanciful fun for everyone ages zero to Antique! This is a fashion show for ALL. All ages, all sizes, all colors, all shapes, all genders, all abilities, all forms of awesomeness- This is an all inclusive FUN event and is designed to make everyone feel beautiful- and to show off some gorgeous vintage clothes at a pretty fun festival.

If you were at the initial meeting, you know that it's time to prep our outfits! If you were NOT at the initial meeting and would like to join us, you are SO very welcome and-- It's time to prep your outfit! Chose a decade, choose a "look" and don't forget to choose your attitude! Come to this meeting with ALL clothing options that you have come up with. You do not need to wear them but bring them with you. We will start to piece this together!

Your donated items are so appreciated! Please bring your items and mark the bag or container that you place them in with your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and whether or not you want them returned or if they will be donated to future Antiques and Uniques vintage fashion shows.

Okay, so maybe you don't want to model but instead you want to be a rock star volunteer. Yes, we need you! Please come to this event!!

For more information please email: AntiquesAndUniquesVT@gmail.com

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