Hello people of the Capitol region!
My partner and I are beginning a bike trip across the country next Sunday and are in desperate need of getting rid of our stuff. We have everything from Gardening/Foraging/Metaphysical books (including Radical Mycology by Peter MyCoy), to a cool jute rug and coffee bags, to gardening and outdoor gear. We have women's clothes size small (size 3-5) (kinda hippie style) and men's clothes size extra large (40"waist). Blankets, including a suede down comforter. A brand new front bike pannier rack. Brand new 6mm plastic 20'x100' and 210ft of PVC piping. Two seeding heat mats, a grow light, plastic seedling trays, and two 20 litre bags of Vermont Compost. As well as habanero, cayanne, and Carolina reaper pepper seedlings. Patriot Supply emergency food bags (about 20). A high quality yoga mat. Backpacks and hippie bags. Tools. Car bike rack. Snowshoes. Plus so much more!
All funds made will go towards our bike trip to help us see the country a slower pace without having a major carbon footprint!
The sale will be tomorrow, May 6th as well as next Saturday, May 13th from 8am till about 1pm. Let us know if you can stop by a different time and we will accommodate!
Here is a link to our Craigslist ad to see more detailed pricing (all prices are totally negotiable too): https://vermont.craigslist.org/gms/6114306315.html
ALSO! Do you remember the Painted Pear in town? The remaining Painted Pear items will be for sale too!
The address is 2487 VT RT 12, West Berlin, VT 05663. The yellow house on the hill. Hope to see you here!
Beth & Ray
Feb 13, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
Valentines Day Benefit Concert with Chocolate & RosesFeb 14, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Girl Scout Cookie Booth ScheduleFeb 15, 3 PM to 5 PM, Feb 17, 2025