Pierre Bensusan in Rare Concert Sunday

Past event
May 7, 2017, 7:30 PM

Pierre Bensusan in concert Sunday May 7th at the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 7:30pm
Tickets in advance online are $20 and $25 at the door (www.pierrebensusan.com under "Tours")
Workshop on DAGAD tuning at 2pm that day through the Summit School: Summitschool.org
For more info call: 225-6132

France's acoustic guitar master Pierre Bensusan returns to Montpelier for the first time in over 20 yrs!
He's been named "Best World Music Guitar Player " by the readers of Guitar Player Magazine (USA, 2008), Bensusan is recognized as one of the premier musicians of our time. Described by the L.A. Times as "one of the most unique and brilliant acoustic guitar veterans on the world music scene today", his name has become synonymous with contemporary acoustic guitar genius. His "manner" of playing defies classification - crossing world, classical, jazz, traditional, folk and more. Not to be missed!
a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkEisE-QNS8

Tickets are available from Pierre's website: http://www.pierrebensusan.com/tour.asp
May 7 in Montpelier: http://www.pierrebensusan.com/store_viewproduct.asp?ID=432
ALSO May 7 Workshop in DADGAD guitar-playing in Montpelier @2pm sponsored by The Summit School:http://summitschool.wixsite.com/summitschool/springtime-workshops

May 8 in Stowe: http://www.platestowe.com/ SOLD OUT!

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